This week, we’re taking a look at the Department of Labor’s (DOL’s) new white-collar overtime exemption and worker classification rules and the U.S. government’s updated race and ethnicity categorizations.
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DOL’s Overtime Rule Coming Soon
Employers can expect the DOL’s white-collar exemption rule as early as this month. The agency started the clock on March 1, 2024, when it submitted the final rule to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
DOL Worker Classification Rule Takes Effect
The DOL’s “independent contractor” rule, which went into effect on March 11, 2024, reinstates the multifactor test that was scrapped under the Trump administration, expands the criteria for who is an employee rather than an independent contractor, and adopts a “totality of the circumstances” approach.
U.S. Government Changes Race and Ethnicity Categorization
For the first time in 27 years, the U.S. government is changing how it categorizes race and ethnicity. The change will impact a wide range of federal reporting, from the census to EEO-1 data collection.
Other Highlights
Cal/OSHA Releases Model Workplace Violence Prevention Plan
Workforce Bulletin
Jennifer L. Nutter, Tryphena Liu
Time Is Money: A Quick Wage-Hour Tip on New York Meal and Rest Periods
Wage and Hour Defense Blog
Tammy Tran
Red Pencil, Blue Pencil, or Something In Between? Ohio Court of Appeals Declines to Modify Overbroad Non-Competition Agreement
Trade Secrets & Employee Mobility
Jill K. Bigler, James G. Petrie, Chad J. Smith
Implementing Workplace AI Tools
Reuters Practical Law The Journal
Adam S. Forman, Nathaniel M. Glasser
Non-Competes Remain Enforceable in Maine Following Governor’s Veto That Recognizes the Importance of Non-Competes by Employers
Trade Secrets & Employee Mobility
Daniel R. Levy
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