Attorney Lauri Rasnick is an experienced litigator, investigator, and trusted advisor to businesses and their executives. When employers face difficult workforce challenges, they call Lauri for a plan.
With her analysis and counsel, employers address how to comply with the ever-changing laws and requirements, provide medical leaves and accommodations, and interpret or update agreements, policies, and procedures. Her clients range from small start-ups to large global companies and include companies in a number of industries, such as financial services, telecommunications, health care and life sciences, government contracting, retail and manufacturing, and professional services.
Lauri is often called upon for her advice before issues evolve into litigation. Employers turn to Lauri to navigate and strategize on critical issues involving allegations of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct; the movement of employees between competitive businesses; and the retention or departures of high-level employees. If litigation is unavoidable, Lauri uncovers risks and pinpoints key focus areas to secure winning outcomes in court, mediations, and arbitrations, and before administrative agencies. Clients value her depth of experience successfully representing employers in federal and state trial courts; federal, state, and local administrative agencies; and FINRA, AAA, and JAMS arbitration proceedings.
On employment law issues, Lauri has represented clients in complex litigation involving, among other matters, employment discrimination, harassment, and retaliation; whistleblower claims; and non-competition agreement and trade secret issues. Clients also look to Lauri to represent them in wage and hour (FLSA) compliance, executive compensation, and other employment contract disputes.
For her client companies and their executives, Lauri:
- provides counsel on a broad range of employment law-related issues, including employee hiring, training, employment policies, wage and hour laws, restructurings and reduction-in-forces, dispute resolution policies and practices, bonus arrangements, and other matters;
- conducts training programs for clients on the full spectrum of employment issues;
- advises employers with respect to diversity and inclusion initiatives and issues, including Section 342 of Dodd-Frank;
- counsels clients on novel issues of employee relations, including drug testing and accommodation questions in the wake of recreational and medical marijuana (cannabis) laws recently passed in many states;
- regularly guides employers through internal investigations of employee complaints and whistleblower claims; and
- frequently negotiates and prepares executive employment, separation, and related agreements.
As co-head of the firm’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) practice group, many international companies with offices in the United States trust her for compliance advice and counsel when developing their global DEI policies. Lauri is also a member of Epstein Becker Green’s Employment, Labor & Workforce Management Steering Committee and the Executive Committee of the firm’s Women’s Initiative. She regularly speaks, writes about, and is quoted on employment trends and challenging issues.
Since 2012, Lauri has served as a member of the Advisory Board of GlamourGals Foundation, Inc., a nonprofit that inspires and organizes teen leaders to combat elder isolation by providing companionship and complimentary beauty makeovers to seniors.
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Focus Areas
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Counseling
- Employment Compliance Counseling
- Employment Litigation
- Employment, Labor & Workforce Management
- Pandemic Workforce Issues
- Pay Equity
- Remote and Hybrid Work
- Social Media and the Workplace
- Trade Secrets & Employee Mobility
- Whistleblowing and Compliance
- Workforce Restructuring and Other Cost-Saving Mechanisms
- Defeated multimillion-dollar claims against a financial services company including breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty, fraudulent concealment, and tortious interference. Over the course of three years, Lauri handled all discovery and whittled down the case at trial to show it had no merit. She and her team ultimately compelled the court to issue a directed verdict in favor of the clients on all claims so that the plaintiffs received nothing.
- Represented a corporation and the CEO of its subsidiary company facing serious sexual harassment allegations. Lauri investigated those claims and assisted the company with the CEO’s smooth exit and transition. Her strategic advice guided the company in taking steps to avoid future harassment allegations.
- Counseled a food-products company in creating a national restrictive covenant template to address concerns about employees leaving to work for a major new competitor. Lauri facilitated a smooth rollout resulting in all employees signing their agreements. Departures for competitors decreased, and the company gained additional leverage in the event of a departure.
- New York University (LL.M., 1996)
- Employment and Labor Law
- University of Baltimore School of Law (J.D., magna cum laude, 1995)
- Syracuse University (B.S., 1992)
Bar Admissions
- New York
Court Admissions
- U.S. District Court, Eastern District of New York
- U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
Professional & Community Involvement
- GlamourGals Foundation, Inc., Advisory Board Member
Past Events
- November 30, 2022
- November 29, 2022
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- Firm Announcements
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- Media Coverage
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- Publications
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