10 matches.
- FTC Exits Labor Pact, EEOC Alleges Significant Underrepresentation in Tech, Sixth Circuit Affirms NLRB Ruling
- Navigating the Labyrinth of Private Equity Investments in Health Care
- Key Changes in Finalized Antitrust Merger Guidelines
- Antitrust Updates: Changes Affecting Merger Review and Enforcement in 2024 and Beyond
- ACA Preventive Coverage Mandate Blocked, Another No-Poach Loss for DOJ, and Employers Prepare for the End of the COVID-19 Emergencies
- How Will Biden’s Executive Order Impact Future Hospital Mergers?
- Employment Law This Week®: Employee Mobility
- Trump Continues Obama Antitrust Guidance for HR Professionals: An Interview with Aime Dempsey
- Trends in Antitrust: Thought Leaders in Health Law Video Series
- Employment Law This Week®: Antitrust Guidance for HR, EEOC Strategic Enforcement Plan, New I-9 Form, Wage Statement Challenge