425 matches.
- How Will Trump’s Federal Changes Impact Employers?
- Employment Law Changes Under President Trump
- Spilling Secrets: Trade Secret Litigation - Lessons from High-Stakes Group Exits
- PAGA in California, NLRB Authority, New Employment Laws in 2025
- Employment Law in 2025: A Look Ahead
- 2024 Workforce Review: Top Labor and Employment Law Trends and Updates
- Spilling Secrets: 2024’s Biggest Trade Secrets and Non-Compete Developments
- Biden’s Final Labor Moves
- Spilling Secrets: Beyond Non-Competes - IP and Trade Secret Assessment Strategies for Employers
- What a Trump Win Means for Unions
- How to Navigate Employee Stress After Election Day
- Spilling Secrets: Wizarding and the World of Trade Secrets
- Mental Health Parity Rules, NLRB Restrictions, New York's Workplace Violence Prevention Law
- NLRB’s Expanding Power—Pushback and Legal Challenges Ahead
- FTC Exits Labor Pact, EEOC Alleges Significant Underrepresentation in Tech, Sixth Circuit Affirms NLRB Ruling
- New DOL Guidance: ERISA Plan Cybersecurity Update
- DOL Authority Challenged: Key Rulings on Overtime and Tip Credit
- Spilling Secrets: After the Block - What’s Next for Employers and Non-Competes?
- Staples Sued Over MA’s Lie Detector Notice, NJ’s Gender-Neutral Dress Code, 2024 Voting Leave Policies
- What the FTC Non-Compete Ban Block Means for Employers
- New DOJ Whistleblower Program: What Employers Must Know
- State Legal Trends: Crucial Changes for Employers
- Spilling Secrets: What Is the Future of Non-Compete Agreements for Employers?
- SpaceX Victory: Court Questions NLRB's Constitutional Authority
- Spilling Secrets: Can FTC’s Non-Compete Ban Survive Without Chevron Deference?
- Chevron Deference Overturned
- California Governor’s PAGA Deal: What Employers Need to Know
- Spilling Secrets: Protecting Trade Secrets with E-Discovery
- SCOTUS Limits Availability of Injunctions in NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Cases
- Key SCOTUS Decisions This Term for Employers
- EEO-1 Filing After June 4: What to Do Now, and How to Prepare for Next Year
- Non-Disparagement Settlements in New Jersey, DOL's AI Guidelines, OSHA Regions Shift
- DOL’s Expanded Overtime Salary Limits, EEOC’s Sexual Harassment Guidance, NY’s Mandatory Paid Prenatal Leave
- Spilling Secrets: FTC Nixes Non-Competes Nationwide—Now What?
- Avoiding Legal Illusions: Crafting Effective Arbitration Agreements
- SCOTUS Expands Title VII, EEOC’s Final PWFA Rule, AI Screening Tools
- Spilling Secrets: Navigating Physician Non-Compete Litigation
- Union Reps at OSHA Inspections, New COVID-19 Guidance, and Minimum Wage Updates
- New DOL Rules, U.S. Government Changes Race and Ethnicity Categorization
- How Can Employers Prepare for the Future of Pay Equity?
- Spilling Secrets: Bracket-Busting Trade Secret and Non-Compete Disputes in Sports
- Termination Meetings on the Record
- Federal Agencies Pushing Boundaries Met with Backlash, Impacts of SCOTUS Chevron Deference
- Spilling Secrets: Latest Developments – Restrictive Covenants in the Health Care Industry
- SECURE 2.0 Act: Navigating New Retirement Plan Provisions in 2024
- California’s Non-Compete Notice Deadline Approaches, California Workplace Violence Regulations, Estrada Decision Keeps Door Open for PAGA Challenges
- DOL’s Final Rule on Worker Classification, NLRB Joint-Employer Rule Challenged, SpaceX Sues NLRB
- Spilling Secrets: Invention Ownership – Why the Tense Matters in Employee IP Provisions
- California's Upcoming Cyber Audit and Automated Tech Rules
- NLRB Wants Shuttered Starbucks Stores Reopened, Big Tech Retreats from DEI Programs, and Employers Scrap College Requirements
- Projections and Perspectives: Navigating Labor and Employment in 2024
- 2023 Labor and Employment Highlights: Key Legal Developments, Trends, and Insights
- Spilling Secrets: Non-Compete Law Update – Key Developments from 2023
- The Department of Labor's New Rules and Rising Challenges
- Navigating the NLRB’s New Joint-Employer Rule
- Spilling Secrets: Restrictive Covenants Around the World – Challenges for Multinational Employers
- NLRB Expands "Joint Employer" Definition, Senate Confirms Agency Heads, and U.S. Regulates AI
- Navigating New Laws: California’s Upcoming Deadlines for Employers
- Spilling Secrets: Non-Compete Agreements in 2023 – What Employers Need to Know
- EEOC Lawsuits Increase, New IP Law in New York, FTC and DOL Partnership
- SEC Cracks Down on Private Companies for Violating Whistleblower Protections
- EEOC Enforcement Plan, California Expands Paid Sick Leave, and Strikes Across the Country
- EEO-1 Submission Official Deadline, DOL and EEOC Partner, and Important Reminder from the SEC
- Spilling Secrets: Attention Employers – How to Protect Trade Secrets in California
- How the NLRB's Labor-Friendly Actions Are Affecting Union and Non-Union Employers
- The Ripple Effect of the Supreme Court’s SFFA Ruling for Diversity in the Workplace
- NLRB Issues Stericycle Decision, EEOC Proposes Pregnant Worker Rule, EEOC Settles First AI Anti-Discrimination Suit
- Spilling Secrets: When a Restrictive Covenant Dispute Goes Beyond the Injunction Phase
- Spilling Secrets: NLRB General Counsel Issues Memo on Non-Competes
- Pregnant Workers Fairness Act Takes Effect, EEO-1 Report Filing Start Date Pushed Back, DOL Clarifies FMLA Leave for Paid Holidays
- SCOTUS Introduces Heightened Standard for Religious Accommodation, Rules Against Affirmative Action, Protects “Expressive” Services
- Noncompete Bans Spread to New York and Beyond
- Employee and Health Benefits One Year After Dobbs
- Spilling Secrets: How to Pursue Damages in Trade Secrets Litigation
- AI in the Workplace
- NLRB Unfair Labor Practice Charges Surge, NYC Prohibits Size Discrimination, FL Expands E-Verify Requirements
- Spilling Secrets: How to Secure Key Employees in Health Care M&A Transactions
- What the End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Means for Employers
- Career Pathways: Welcome to the Firm – J.T. Wilson III, Chicago
- Mental Health Awareness Month in the Workplace
- Major Updates to New York State’s Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy
- Spilling Secrets: Inside the Most Famous Trade Secrets Case of All Time
- ACA Preventive Coverage Mandate Blocked, Another No-Poach Loss for DOJ, and Employers Prepare for the End of the COVID-19 Emergencies
- NLRB Agenda Puts Pressure on Union and Non-Union Employers
- NLRB Issues Memo on Severance Agreement Restrictions, Illinois Rolls Out Paid Leave for Any Reason, New Jersey Prepares for Temporary Workers' Bill of Rights
- What Employers Should Know About ChatGPT
- Spilling Secrets: Trade Secrets on Film and TV
- NLRB Focuses on Severance Agreements, Supreme Court Opens Overtime to HCEs, Ninth Circuit Rejects CA's Mandatory Arbitration Ban
- New York City Employers Prepare for AI Bias Law
- Spilling Secrets: FTC Proposes Ban on Non-Competes
- Whistleblower Risks in an Economic Downturn, Whistleblower Protection Settlement
- SEC Settles with Activision for $35 Million
- SECURE Act 2.0: What 401(k) Plan Sponsors Need to Know
- New Jersey’s WARN Act to Become Strictest in Nation
- Spilling Secrets: What to Do When a Star Employee Decamps to a Competitor
- FTC Proposes Ban on Non-Competes, NY Expands Breastfeeding Protections, and CA Releases Guidance on Pay Transparency
- Forecasting Employment Law in 2023
- 2022 – A Year in Review
- Speak Out Act Takes Effect, Enhanced Data Privacy Obligations for California Employers, and SEC Releases Whistleblower Annual Report
- Spilling Secrets: Top Trade Secret and Non-Compete Developments of 2022
- EEOC Targets Abortion Travel, Midterm Results, and SCOTUS Declines COVID-19 WARN Act Case
- Spilling Secrets: When Trade Secret Misappropriation Goes Criminal
- Potential for NLRA Expansion, EEOC Disavows Former GC’s Comments, California Adds Marijuana Employment Protections
- California Privacy Exemptions Set to Expire, Status of DOL Independent Contractor Rule, D.C. Non-Compete Notices Take Effect
- 2022 Pay Equity Trends and Strategies
- Spilling Secrets: Non-Compete Agreements for In-House and Outside Lawyers
- EEOC’s LGBTQ+ Guidance Blocked, Employer COVID-19 Update, NYC Prepares for Pay Transparency Law
- “Quiet Quitting” Legal Pitfalls, NYC Automated Decision Tools Law, Twitter Cybersecurity Whistleblower Claims
- Pay Range Disclosure Laws Spread Across New York and New Jersey
- Spilling Secrets: Employers – Train on Trade Secrets
- The Union-Friendly Biden NLRB, California's FAST Act, and Pay Transparency in California
- Spilling Secrets: Restrictive Covenants in the Remote Work Boom
- Updated CDC Guidance, Monkeypox Outbreak, and EEO-1 Pay Data
- Enforcement Risk Post-Roe, 11th State Passes Paid Family and Medical Leave, FTC/NLRB Join Forces
- Pay Data Collection Study, Colorado Non-Compete Restrictions, D.C. Circuit Vacates Browning-Ferris
- Remote and Hybrid Work Policies, COVID-19 Positivity, NLRB/FTC Team Up on Non-Competes
- New COVID-19 Testing Guidance, NLRB Increases Use of Injunctive Relief, D.C. Amends Near-Universal Ban on Non-Competes
- Spilling Secrets: Hiring from a Competitor? Don’t Get Sued.
- Employers Respond to Dobbs, Implications of the Supreme Court’s EPA Ruling, and Pay Increases for CA Health Care Workers
- SCOTUS Overturns Roe v. Wade - What Employers Should Consider
- SCOTUS Rules on PAGA, Fifth Circuit Rules on COVID-19 Under WARN, Illinois Expands Bereavement Leave
- Federal Focus on Mental Health, FTC and Noncompetes, Gig Work Risks for Hospitals
- Return-to-Work Behavior Policies, U.S. Soccer's Landmark Agreement, and Board Diversity in California
- AI Technology Regulations, Transparency in AI, OSHA’s Permanent COVID-19 Standard
- CA COVID-19 Policies Get Updates, NYC Pay Transparency Law Postponed, DOL Targets Worker Retaliation
- Flexible Work Arrangement Policies, State-Level Privacy Laws Increasing, AI and Disability Bias
- NYC Pay Transparency Law, Florida Diversity Training, and Cal/OSHA's COVID-19 ETS
- Mental Health Accommodations and Parity, Board Diversification Law Struck Down, Ban-the-Box Update
- NLRB Updates, Quick EEO-1 Deadline
- Non-Compete Compliance, New Requirements for Plan Sponsors, Get Ahead on Anti-Harassment Training
- EEOC COVID-19 Charges Surge, NYC's Pay Transparency Law, SCOTUS Considers PAGA
- Focus on Caregiver Discrimination, Harassment and Discrimination Protections in NY, Wage and Hour Budget
- Independent Contractor Rule Reinstated, OFCCP Targets Pay Equity Audits, OSHA Focuses on Health Care Facilities
- Policies to Help Employees Help Ukraine, Equal Pay Day, FMLA Certification
- State of the Union, Federal Task Force Report, Biden's SCOTUS Pick
- New Law on Arbitration of Sexual Harassment Claims, Cyber War Ramps Up, Salaried Nonexempt Status
- Whistleblower Regulations Increasing, #MeToo Bill Passes, Cyberfraud Risk Mitigation
- CA Whistleblower Retaliation Cases, NYC Pay Transparency Law, Biden's Labor Agenda
- NLRB Outlook, NY Whistleblower Protections Take Effect, DOJ to Focus on Cyber-Fraud
- SCOTUS OSHA Decision Reactions and the Impact of New COVID-19 Benefits on Employers
- SCOTUS Decides on Vaccine Rules, Companies Can Still Require Vaccination, Restrictive Covenants in CO
- SCOTUS Considers Federal Vaccine Mandates, CDC Shortens Quarantine Periods, Definition of “Fully Vaccinated”
- Year in Review and a Look Ahead to 2022
- Update on Federal COVID-19 Vaccine Rules and NY and NYC Vaccine Mandates
- Employee Privacy and COVID-19, CMS Vaccine Mandate on Hold, Independent Contractor Classification
- OSHA ETS Moves to the Sixth Circuit, Federal Agencies Join to Combat Workplace Retaliation, NY Increases Employee Protections
- Vaccine Mandate Compliance for Large Employers, Unionized Employers, and Health Care Providers
- CMS Vaccine Rule for Health Care Workers
- OSHA’s Vaccine ETS Is Here, Circuit Court Blocks ETS, Health Worker Vaccine Rules
- OSHA ETS Coming Soon, OSHA Cracks Down on States, and EEOC Updates Guidance
- Remote Work and Reasonable Accommodations, Important Dates for Federal Contractors, Learn About AI
- OSHA ETS in Review, Texas Vaccine Mandate Ban, Health Premium Incentives
- EEOC Enforcement Uptick, New York Limits Private Confidential Settlements, Anti-Harassment Training for Virtual World
- Preparing for Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, Mandate Pushback Begins, NLRA’s Reach Expected to Expand
- Challenges and Guidance on Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, NY HERO Act Form Updated, Job Application Compliance
- Vaccine Mandate Requirement, First COVID-19 Remote Work Suit, Whistleblower Awards Top $1 Billion
- Career Pathways: Welcome to Epstein Becker Green – Columbus Ohio Team
- Biden’s Employer Vaccine Mandate, NY HERO Act Safety Plans, Cannabis Cases
- Biden Touts Employer-Mandated Vaccines, Booster Shot Questions, and EEO-1 Deadline Delayed
- OSHA Updates COVID-19 Guidance, NLRB GC’s Priorities, Biometrics at Work
- Vaccine Mandates, Mandate Bans, Wage and Hour Nomination Stalls
- The Future of Non-Compete Agreements
- COVID-19 Restrictions Tighten, NYC Fair Chance Act, Biden's Budget
- How the PRO Act Could Change Labor Law, NY HERO Act Safety Plans
- Biden Seeks to Boost Competition, HERO Act Guidance, and Key Nominees Advance
- SCOTUS in Review, Biden Acts to Limit Non-Competes, NY HERO Act Model Safety Plans
- Mandatory Vaccination, Tipped Worker Rule, and SCOTUS Rules Against Organized Labor
- Evolving Pandemic Regulations, Overtime Rule Under Review, ACA Upheld
- States Adjust COVID-19 Regulations and OSHA ETS Released
- CDC Guidance Fallout and Employment Legislation in Congress
- CDC Guidance for the Fully Vaccinated, NY HERO Act, ABC Test, and FAAAA Preemption
- Obama-Era Approach, Pro-Union Push, and States Split on Vaccination Policies
- COVID-19 Vaccination Policies, Worker Organizing Task Force, Whistleblowing Increases
- Whistleblowing, Retaliation Risks Are On the Rise for Health Care Employers
- Employers and the American Rescue Plan, COVID-19 Vaccine News
- OSHA ETS on Hold, Retaliation Claims Increase, "Vaccination Ambassadors"
- Action Pending from Biden's OFCCP and OSHA
- DOL Electronic Notices Guidance, EEO-1 Reporting Delayed, CA COVID-19 Paid Sick Leave
- Labor Management Relations Under President Biden
- The American Rescue Plan, OSHA’s New COVID-19 Directive, and NY Mandates COVID-19 Vaccine PTO
- EEOC Commissioner Keith Sonderling on the Agency’s Outlook for 2021
- EEOC Withdraws, DOL Rolls Back, and OSHA Expands
- Wage and Hour Enforcement Under President Biden
- OSHA's Updated COVID-19 Guidance, CDC's New Mask Guidance, Biden Administration Rollbacks
- Who Is Marty Walsh and What Would His DOL Appointment Mean for Employers?
- The Biden EEOC, New Religious Guidance, and Diversity Training Ban Repealed
- EEOC Rules and Vaccine Incentives, Prioritizing Worker Health and Safety, Notable Executive Orders
- Biden's "American Rescue Plan," Incentivizing Employee Vaccination, EEOC Conciliation Process
- Biden Picks Labor Nominee, The Biden EEOC, Temporary Special Relief for FSAs
- 2020 in Review and What's to Come in 2021
- Congress Passes Relief Bill, EEOC's Vaccine Guidance, Return to Work Delayed
- Biden's Labor Dept. Agenda, Vaccine Challenges, Second Wave of COVID-19 Rules
- CDC Permits Shortened Quarantine Periods, CAL/OSHA COVID-19 Regulations, NY Amends WARN Act
- Readying Vaccine Policies, ACA's Fate @SCOTUS, Jury Trials Shut Down
- NY Travel Advisory Changes, CA’s COVID-19 Exposure Notice, Executive Order Reversals
- CA Passes Proposition 22, New Marijuana Laws, New Administration's Impact on Your Business
- OSHA Issues COVID-19 Citations, Michigan Enacts Liability Shield, and States Battle for Telecommuter Taxes
- CDC Broadens "Close Contact" Guidance, Pandemic's Impact on Women and Caregivers, Twitter's Cautionary Cybersecurity Tale
- OFCCP Guidance on Diversity Training, Starbucks' Diversity Plan, Time Off to Vote
- Sick Leave in New York, California Law Update, and Oregon’s Workplace Fairness Act Takes Effect
- Judge Barrett's Employment Law Record, Arbitrator to Rule on Postmates' Challenge, Responding to Frivolous Lawsuits
- Employees' Off-Duty Conduct, Violence at Work Rises, the Election and the Gig Economy
- Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Leaves Behind a Legacy
- New AB5 Exemptions, EEOC COVID-19 Updates, Joint-Employer Rule Partially Struck Down
- CDC Reversals, New FMLA Forms, Tracking Unscheduled Work
- COVID-19 Liability Waivers, Rules of the Road, New GDPR Concerns
- COVID-19 Executive Actions, Right-to-Sue Notices, and Liability Shields
- Extended Remote Work, Return-to-Work Manager Training, Case to Watch
- CA Employer Playbook, Federal COVID-19 Updates, DOL’s FFCRA Rule Vacated in Part
- Special Edition – The Chief Legal Officer's Role in Transition Back to the Workplace
- First Workplace Safety Mandates, COVID-19 Employee Training, Masks Required at Major Retailers
- OSHA Urges Face Masks, ADA Turns 30, Employee Vacations
- OSHA’s Three-Phase Plan, COVID-19 Workplace Training, Virginia’s Seismic Shift
- Unionization Risks, Health Care Employers Reopen, Antibody Testing
- SCOTUS Decision on LGBTQ Employees, EEOC on Older Workers Returning to Work
- Mobile Tracking Technologies, Added PPP Flexibility, Return-to-Work Plans
- Office Building Guidance, OSHA Steps Up, "Fluctuating Workweek" Rule
- Telemental Health Benefits, Support Employee Mental Health, Balancing Safety and Privacy
- Look Beyond OSHA, Accommodation Clarification, Workshare Programs
- Providing Answers to Your Global Workforce Questions, Executive Compensation and COVID-19
- Reopening America, Safely Returning to Work, Employee Testing
- Labor Market Imbalance, Return to Work, OSHA Enforcement Guidance
- Guidance for Critical Infrastructure Workers; OSHA Reporting Guidance; EEOC Update
- FFCRA Regulations, COVID-19 and Multinational Employers, Data Protection
- CARES Act, New Paid Leave, Duty to Bargain
- Coronavirus Tough Questions - Furloughs and Reductions, Unionized Workforces, Employee Benefits
- COVID-19 Pandemic, Election Rules Challenged, EEOC Limits GC’s Authority
- Coronavirus and Work-from-Home Policies, HIPAA and Coronavirus, Arbitration Agreements
- Employee Travel and the Coronavirus, NLRB’s Joint-Employment Rule, and DoorDash’s 5,000+ Individual Arbitrations
- Kickstarter Unionization, Coronavirus Guidance, Class Action Waivers
- Component 2 Pay Data Shutdown, CDC Coronavirus Guidance, and California Employers Fight Back
- Coronavirus Balancing Act, Vaccination Requirements, #MeToo
- Joint Employment, Coronavirus, Medical Marijuana Protections
- Employment Law This Week®: Recalibrating Federal Agencies, Marijuana Legalization, the Changing Nature of Work
- #BigIdeas2020: Open Discussion of Mental Health in the Workplace
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL Enforcement Records, CSAL Supplement, AI Technology, NJ's Gig-Worker Bill
- As AI Technology Gains Popularity, Legislation Follows in Illinois
- Employment Law This Week®: FAA Arguably Preempts California Law, New CA Employment Laws for 2020, CA Consumer Privacy Act Amended
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL's Final Overtime Rule, CA Codifies "ABC Test" Pay Data Collection Beyond 2018, NLRB’s Busy Summer
- Employment Law This Week®: Pay Data Collection, Strengthening Worker Protections, NJ's "Wage Theft" Legislation
- Global Employment Policies
- Employment Law This Week®: Cannabis User Protections, WHD Opinion Letters, New Salary History Bans, NYS Anti-Harassment Training Deadline
- Illinois Employers Prepare to Just #DUEIT as Recreational Marijuana Is Legalized
- Illinois Employers Prepare for Legal Weed
- Employment Law This Week®: State Legislation Heats Up, NLRB Overturns Precedent, SCOTUS Term Ends
- Connecticut Employers Face New Sexual Harassment Training Requirements
- Employment Law This Week®: Gig Worker Classification, NLRB Rulemaking Agenda, Non-Compete Agreement Backlash
- Trends and Legal Risks in Medical Marijuana: Thought Leaders in Health Law Video Series
- Employment Law This Week®: EEOC Pay Data Deadline, Class Arbitration Ruling, Scope of Title VII, Marijuana Drug Test Ban, "Wage Theft" Hearing
- Don’t Forget, Contractors Are People Too
- Employment Law This Week®: NJ Limits NDAs, DOL's Proposed Overtime Rule, Pay Data Collection, Sexual Harassment Training
- Employment Law This Week®: Predictive Scheduling Laws, the New Normal?
- New Jersey Bans Non-Disclosure Agreements in Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Settlements
- Employment Concerns in Health Care M&A: Thought Leaders in Health Law Video Series
- District Court Reinstates Pay Data Collection
- Employment Law This Week®: SCOTUS Vacates Pay-Equity Ruling, NYC Bans Grooming Policy Restrictions, Tip Credit Rule, Workplace Gossip, AI in HR
- Employment Law This Week®: Making AI Work for HR
- NYC Bans Grooming Policy Restrictions That Have a Disparate Impact
- Employment Law This Week®: Biometric Privacy Ruling, Supreme Court and Arbitration, Overtime Rule, NLRB Update
- Litigation, Regulatory Delays During the Government Shutdown
- Employment Law This Week®: A Look Back and the Year Ahead
- Employment Law This Week®: Pay Equity in the #MeToo Era
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL Rolls Back 80/20 Rule, Transgender Worker Protections, Ending Mandatory Arbitration for Sex Harassment Claims, Joint Employment
- Employment Law This Week®: EEOC’s New Sexual Harassment Data, More Paid Sick Leave Laws, Class Waiver Ruling, NLRB in Transition
- Employers Required to Conduct Anti-Harassment Training Under New "#MeToo Laws"
- Employment Law This Week®: SCOTUS October Term, NLRB’s Shifting Priorities, Uber Wins Ruling, NYS Sexual Harassment Laws
- Employment Law This Week®: Ninth Circuit Voids No-Rehire Clause, Massachusetts Discourages Non-Competes, California Reviews Wage-Hour Issues, NLRB Streamlines Case Handling
- Employment Law This Week®: OSHA's Reporting Rule Rollback, CA's Salary History Ban, NYC's Temporary Schedule Change Law, Model FMLA Forms Expired
- Employment Law This Week® - Special Edition: The ADA Turns 28
- President Trump Taps Judge Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court: An Interview with Jim Flynn
- Employment Law This Week®: Supreme Court Nominee, NJ Employment Bills, Rounding Employees' Hours, More State Employment Regulations
- Employment Law This Week®: Justice Kennedy Retires; Combining Labor, Education Departments; Gig Economy Misclassification Case; DC Tipped Workers
- Employment Law This Week®: Special Edition - Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB GC's Workplace Policies Memo, Proposed Joint-Employer Rule, Disclosure Requirements for Startups, Sex Harassment Confidentiality Agreements
- Employment Law This Week®: SCOTUS Rules for Baker, Waiting-Time Penalties, the "Epic" Effect, New Salary History Bans
- Employment Law This Week®: Arbitration Agreement Enforcement, Maryland’s #MeToo Legislation, California’s National Origin Regulations
- Spring 2018 Regulatory Agendas Released: An Interview with David Garland
- Employment Law This Week®: Agencies Release Regulatory Agendas, EEOC's Anti-Harassment Article, Class Certification Evidence, Philadelphia's Salary History Ban
- Employment Law This Week®: Employee Mobility Legislation, Independent Contractor Test, Emails Protected by NLRA, Notice for Title VII Suits
- New Jersey Passes Diane B. Allen Equal Pay Act: An Interview with Denise Dadika
- Employment Law This Week®: NJ's Equal Pay Act, FLSA Opt-Ins, "Ambush Election" Rule, Guidance on New Tax Credit
- Employment Law This Week®: Crack Down on Non-Solicitation Agreements, DOL Opinion Letters, New NLRB Member, State Law Developments
- Employment Law This Week®: Sexual Harassment Legislation, Browning-FerrisAppeal, DTSA Whistleblower Immunity, Salary History and Wage Gaps
- Employment Law This Week®: SCOTUS Rules for Auto Dealerships in OT Case, Tip-Pooling Restriction, Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Awards, Unemployment Benefits
- Employment Law This Week®: Big Data and People Analytics
- What Employers Should Know About Big Data and People Analytics
- Washington State Adopts "Ban the Box" Legislation: An Interview with Katrina Walasik
- Employment Law This Week®: Washington State "Bans the Box" New NYCHRL Standard, Union Election Rule, The Weinstein Company
- Employment Law This Week®: NYC's #MeToo Legislation, Title VII & Gender Identity, False Claims Act Lawsuit, Flu Shot Policy
- Employment Law This Week®: Sunlight in Workplace Harassment Act, Joint-Employer Test, Guidance on MA Pay Equity Law, DOL’s PAID Pilot Program
- Employment Law This Week®: Title VII & Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Joint-Employer Test, Dodd-Frank Protections, Equal Pay Lawsuit
- Second Circuit Says Title VII Covers Sexual Orientation Discrimination: An Interview with Nathaniel Glasser
- Sexual Harassment Allegations Lead to Shareholder Lawsuits: An Interview with Bill Milani
- Employment Law This Week®: Harassment Claims Trigger Shareholder Suits, Misclassification Standard Under Review, EEOC's New Strategic Plan
- Employment Law This Week®: Delivery Driver Ruled Independent Contractor, Parental Leave Proposal, Federal Contractor Audits, Ambush Election Rules
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB Considers Case-Processing Changes, New EEOC Sexual Harassment Guidance, DOJ Memos on False Claims Act Litigation
- Employment Law This Week®: Criminal Prosecution of Anti-Poaching Agreements, EEOC Publishes 2017 Data, Organizational Changes at NLRB, NYC's "Cooperative Dialogue" Requirements
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL's Association Health Plan Proposal, NJLAD Includes Nursing Mothers, New Unpaid Intern Test, HHS’s Conscience-Based Protections
- Workplace Harassment Review in Federal Courts: An Interview with Nathaniel M. Glasser
- Employment Law This Week®: Workplace Harassment Review in Federal Courts, DOL Opinion Letters, NLRB Nomination, ICE Raids
- The Importance of HR in 2018: An Interview with David W. Garland
- Employment Law This Week®: Our 100th Episode - HR's Critical Role in 2018
- Change Comes Swiftly at the NLRB: An Interview with Steve Swirsky
- Employment Law This Week®: Changes at the NLRB, New Tax Bill, EEOC Wellness Rules, New California Laws
- 2017 - Paid Leave Goes Local: An Interview with Nancy Gunzenhauser Popper
- Employment Law This Week®: Special Year-End Wrap-Up
- New Memo from NLRB GC Peter Robb: An Interview with Donald Krueger
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB GC Memo, Third Travel Ban, Paid Leave Credit for Employers, ERISA Disability Benefits Rule Delayed
- Employment Law This Week®: New Minimum Wage Ruling, NYC's Paycheck Deduction Law Challenged, Top Compliance Concerns, Fiduciary Rule Delayed
- New York Announces New Employee Scheduling Regulations: An Interview with Jeffrey M. Landes
- Employment Law This Week®: New York Employee Scheduling Regulations, NLRB General Counsel Confirmed, Decrease in EEOC Charge Backlog, New Local $15 Minimum Wage Law
- EEOC Online Public Portal Goes Nationwide: An Interview with Yael Spiewak
- Employment Law This Week®: EEOC Online Public Portal, Paid Sick Leave Preemption Law, DOL to Appeal Texas Ruling, California Law Makes Contractors Jointly Liable for Their Subs' Unpaid Wages
- EEOC's Year-End Filings Concentrate on Disability Discrimination: An Interview with Shira M. Blank
- EEOC & Disability Discrimination Lawsuits, Arbitration Deferral Case, Statutory Claims for Travel Pay Dismissed, ICE Will Increase Workplace Inspections
- Two Questions CA Employers Can No Longer Ask Potential Hires: An Interview with Ann Knuckles Mahoney
- Two New CA Laws Impacting Hiring, Compensating Short Breaks, Suit Over "Draw" Pay System, Waiving ERISA Time Limits
- Employment Law This Week®: DOJ's New Stance on Title VII, ACA Contraception Mandate, SCOTUS Hears Class-Action Waiver Arguments, RI's Paid Sick Leave Policy
- Seventh Circuit Says Extended Leave Is Not Covered Under ADA: An Interview with Joshua A. Stein
- Employment Law This Week®: Extended Leave Not Covered Under ADA, Wellness Program Regulations, Proposed Cybersecurity Regulations, New Travel Restrictions
- Authorities Wrestle with the Definition of "Employee": An Interview with Steve Swirsky
- Employment Law This Week®: Special "Wage and Hour" Edition
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB Rulings May Surge, Home Health Pay Dispute, Immigrant Worker Protection Act, Equal Pay Protections
- Employment Law This Week®: D.C. Policy Update, Wage and Hour Administrator Nominee, DOL’s 80/20 Rule
- OMB Suspends EEOC Pay Data Collection Requirement: An Interview with Susan Gross Sholinsky
- Employment Law This Week®: EEOC Pay Data Collection Requirement, DOL Overtime Rule, Parental Leave Policies, NYS Paid Family Leave Program
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL Vacancies, Use of Customer Data, Weingarten Rights, EEOC's Investigatory Authority
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB's Voting Unit Test, Electronic Acknowledgment of Arbitration Policy, Website Accessibility, CT's Medical Marijuana Law
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB Joint-Employer Case Overturned, Kaplan Confirmed to NLRB, Eighth Circuit Nixes Non-Compete, Police Lose Overtime Suit
- Employment Law This Week®: DOL's RFI on Overtime Rule, NLRA Doesn't Preempt NYSHRL, SF's Salary History Law, Pregnant Workers Fairness Act
- Employment Law This Week®: Class Action Waiver Cases, Rescission of Tip-Pooling Restrictions, Title VII & Sexual Orientation, Updated Form I-9
- Employment Law This Week®: Social Media and Solicitation, Washington State's New Leave Law, Joint-Employer Legislation, Underwriters Entitled to Overtime
- Employment Law This Week®: Obama-Era Overtime Rule, EEOC Chair Nominee, Wage and Hour Opinion Letters, Tipping Rule
- Employment Law This Week®: Sexual Orientation Discrimination, NLRB Nominees, Trump’s Travel Ban, Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Protections
- Employment Law This Week®: Federal Decision on Website Accessibility, Mandatory Class Action Waivers, Sexual Harassment Case Dismissed, Upcoming Employment Laws
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB's "Quickie Election" Rules, Layoff Doesn't Violate FMLA, Plans Exempt from ERISA, Amended "Persuader Rule"
- Joint-Employer Guidance Rescinded, NYC's "Fair Workweek" Bills, ADA and Gender Dysphoria, Philadelphia's Salary History Law
- New York City Mayor Signs "Fair Workweek" Bills: An Interview with Jeffrey M. Landes
- Employment Law This Week®: Fiduciary Rule Takes Effect June 9, Rescission of Persuader Rule, Title VII & Sexual Orientation, Overhauling the NLRA
- California's “Day of Rest” Provisions, Title VII Claim Revived, Joint-Employer Ruling, New Georgia Employment Laws
- Indirect Employers Could Be Liable for Background Checks in New York: An Interview with Nancy L. Gunzenhauser
- Employment Law This Week®: Indirect Employers' Liability in NY, No Reversal of Weingarten Rights, Legal Standard for Privileged Information, New NYC Employment Laws
- Employment Law This Week®: Reliance on Salary History OK, Rescission of Resignation Case Ends, Photo Termination Case Proceeds, "Fairfax Memo," Working Families Flexibility Act
- Employment Law This Week®: Facebook Rant Is Protected Activity, DC Metro Bias Case, Salary History Law on Hold, Overtime Rule Delayed
- Employment Law This Week®: NLRB on Arbitration Confidentiality, EEOC's Equal Pay Data Rule, New State Laws, Transgender Bathroom Bill Suit
- NYC Prohibits Salary History Inquiries: An Interview with Susan Gross Sholinsky
- Employment Law This Week®: NYC Salary History Legislation, EEOC Subpoena Ruling, Fiduciary Rule Delay, Broad Whistleblower Protections
- Indefinite Leave Not a Reasonable Accommodation: An Interview with Marc A. Mandelman
- Employment Law This Week®: Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Indefinite Leave, "Purple Communications" Decision, Lawsuit with 10K Opt-Ins
- Presidential Powers, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces Rule, DOL’s Overtime Rule, Competition for Vacant Positions
- Employment Law This Week®: Missing Comma Affects Case, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, DOL Budget Cuts, New Complaint Filing System
- Browning-Ferris Decision, Title IX Case, Server’s Minimum Wage Claim, H-1B Premium Processing Suspension
- Employment Law This Week®: Waiver of Meal Breaks, Driver Classification Ruling, Transgender Guidance Withdrawal, New Immigration Order
- Employment Law This Week®: Whistleblower Case Dismissed, ADEA Claims, Future Trump NLRB, NY Paid Family Leave
- Employment Law This Week®: DC's Paid Leave Law, NYSDOL Regulations Revoked, Outsourcing Violated the NLRA, HHS Regulations Affect Employers
- Employment Law This Week®: Transgender Discrimination, Travel Ban Ruling, "Honest Belief" Defense, NY's Wage Discussion Law
- Employment Law This Week®: Judge Neil Gorsuch, New Immigration Orders, EEOC & NLRB Acting Chairs, Philadelphia's Wage Equity Law
- Employment Law This Week®: Class Action Waiver Split, Discriminatory Practices Suit, EEOC's Claims Data, Highly Skilled Worker Rule
- Employment Law This Week®: Post-ACA Health Plans, Labor Landscape, Wage and Hour Changes, Increased Cyber Threats, Retirement Plans
- Employment Law This Week®: Wellness Program Regulations, Cumulative Liquidated Damages, ACA Transgender Discrimination Rules, Form I-9
- Trump Picks Fast-Food CEO for Labor Secretary: An Interview with David W. Garland
- Employment Law This Week®: The Year Ahead, New Labor Secretary, "Persuader Rule" Case, New York Salary Thresholds, Mental Health Discrimination
- Employment Law This Week®: Top Issues of 2016 - DTSA, Non-Competes, Paid Sick Leave, Transgender Law, Overtime, NLRB Decisions
- Connecticut District Court: Title VII Covers Sexual Orientation: An Interview with Jennifer Barna
- Employment Law This Week®: Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Overtime Laws, Movie Theater Rule, L.A.'s "Ban the Box" Law
- Employment Law This Week®: FLSA Overtime Rules, NYS Overtime Laws, National Origin Discrimination, Foreign Workers
- Election 2016 - New Laws Impacting Employers: An Interview with Deborah Cannavino
- Employment Law This Week®: New Laws Impacting Employers, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, Amended Persuader Rule, Nurses Aren't "Supervisors"
- Employment Law This Week®: White House on Non-Competes, Transgender Bathrooms, Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces, Freelancer Wage Protection
- Employment Law This Week®: Antitrust Guidance for HR, EEOC Strategic Enforcement Plan, New I-9 Form, Wage Statement Challenge
- ACA Section 1557 Notice Requirements Take Effect: An Interview with Nathaniel Glasser
- Employment Law This Week®: ACA Section 1557 Notice Requirements, Retaliation Under the ACA, Big Data Analytics, Sexual Orientation Discrimination
- Third Circuit Finds That Break Pay Does Not Offset Unpaid Overtime: An Interview with John O'Connor
- Employment Law This Week®: Break Pay, Misclassification of Franchisees, California Computer Professional Exemption, Non-Compete Payment
- Federal Contractors Must Provide Paid Sick Leave: An Interview with Dean Singewald
- Employment Law This Week®: Paid Sick Leave, New California Employment Laws, Final Pay Data Rule, Employee Drug Tests
- Employment Law This Week®: Overtime Rule Lawsuits, Voluntary Wellness Program, Statements Protected Under NLRA
- Employment Law This Week®: Non-Solicitation Violation, SOX 304 Clawback, NLRB's Joint-Employer Standard, OSHA's "Walk Around" Rule
- Employment Law This Week®: ACA Marketplace Notices, Payroll Card Regulations, Medical Marijuana, Uber's Arbitration Agreements
- EEOC Releases Retaliation Guidance: An Interview with David Marden
- Employment Law This Week®: Retaliation Guidance, Class Action Waivers, "Persuader Rule" Injunction, "Cat's Paw" Doctrine
- Employment Law This Week®: Transgender Case, "Labor Peace" Agreements, EEOC's Pay Data Proposal, Parental Leave Requests
- Employment Law This Week®: Anti-Whistleblower Provisions, Federal Wage Exemption, Reimbursement Lawsuit Settlement, FLSA and EPPA Posters
- Employment Law This Week®: Salary History, Wage and Hour Compliance Training, Non-Competes, Misclassified Workers
- Seventh Circuit Panel Finds That Title VII Does Not Cover Sexual Orientation Bias: An Interview with Jeremy M. Brown
- Employment Law This Week®: Sexual Orientation Bias, Religious Discrimination, At-Will Employment Provision, Class Arbitration
- Employment Law This Week®: Executive Incentive Pay Rule, Race Discrimination, Pokémon Go, Commercial Non-Competes
- Seventh Circuit Revives Retaliation Claim: An Interview with Christopher Farella
- Employment Law This Week: Retaliation Claims, Waivers During Bargaining, Temporary Discharge, CT "Bans the Box"
- Employment Law This Week: Password Sharing, Organizing Mixed Units, Mental Health Accommodations, Privacy Shield
- EEOC Calls for Increased Harassment Prevention: An Interview with William J. Milani
- Employment Law This Week: Harassment Prevention, Board Diversity Disclosure, Paid Sick Leave, Law Against Discrimination
- NJ Supreme Court Voids Filing Deadline: An Interview with Carmine Iannaccone
- Employment Law This Week: Discrimination Claims, Employee Wellness Notice, Persuader Rule, Pin Ban
- Employment Law This Week: Record Whistleblower Award, Union Election Rules, Wellness Program Rewards, Mixed-Guard Units
- EEOC Seeks Comment on New Guidance: An Interview with Richard B. Palmer, Jr.
- Employment Law This Week: National Origin Discrimination Guidance, Cash Substitutes, Hiring Permanent Replacements, Micro-Unit Upheld
- Employment Law This Week: Constructive Discharge Claims, Class Waivers, Hiring Bias, Electronic Record-Keeping Rule, Equal Pay
- Employment Law This Week: Defend Trade Secrets Act, Final OT Rule, Leave for Disabled Workers, OT Exemption Case
- New Guidance Issued for Pregnant Workers in NYC: An Interview with Nancy Gunzenhauser
- Employment Law This Week: Pregnant Workers, Time-Rounding Practice, Gender Discrimination, National Origin Discrimination
- Maryland Casino May Have to Pay Trainees in Class Action: An Interview with Nathaniel Glasser
- Employment Law This Week: Casino Trainees' Class Action, Updated FMLA Guide & Poster, OSHA Fine, Mandatory Flu Vaccines Challenged
- Employment Law This Week: Trade Secrets, Banker Bonus Restrictions, Musicians Are Employees, Misclassification Violates NLRA
- Employment Law This Week: FEHA Expansion, Class Waiver, Employer Conduct Rules, CA's Paid Family Leave Law
- Employment Law This Week: Paid Parental Leave, NLRB's Top Issues, Health History Forms, Final Fiduciary Rule
- Employment Law This Week: $15 Minimum Wage, Dodd-Frank Whistleblower Provision, Transparency in Non-Competes, Protected Activity Under NLRA
- DOL's New Overtime Rules Coming Soon: An Interview with Marc Mandelman
- Employment Law This Week: Equal Pay, Union Fees, Negative Publicity by Employees, "Commissions" Under FLSA, F-1 STEM OPT Program
- Employment Law This Week: New Overtime Rules, Labor Relations Consultants Rule, Classwide Liability, Family and Medical Leave Act, Whistleblower Retaliation Rule
- California Announces Broad New Anti-Harassment Regulations: An Interview with Amy Messigian
- Employment Law This Week: U.S. Supreme Court Nominee, California's Anti-Harassment Regulations, Oregon's Minimum Wage, Whistleblower Legislation
- EEOC Files First Sexual Orientation Discrimination Suits: An Interview with Jeffrey Landes
- Employment Law This Week: Sexual Orientation Discrimination Suits, Tip Pooling, Successor Liability, Trade Secrets, Workplace Solicitation
- EEOC Unveils New Nationwide Policy for Position Statements: An Interview with Lauri Rasnick
- Employment Law This Week: EEOC on Position Statements, Hispanic Ruled as Race, NLRB on Computer Use, Big Data Privacy, Tip of the Week
- EEOC Releases FY 2015 Data: An Interview with Ronald M. Green
- Employment Law This Week: EEOC Enforcement Data, Definition of "Religion," ACA Class Action, Justice Scalia's Death
- The Zika Virus - What Employers Should Know: An Interview with Denise Dadika
- Employment Law This Week: Zika Virus, EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, "Contributing Factor" Standard, H-1B Lottery
- Employment Law This Week: Equal Pay Data, HIV-Positive Employees, DOL's Fiduciary Rule, NJ Harassment Defense
- Employment Law This Week: Joint Employment, Proposed Retaliation Guidelines, Supervisory Misconduct Defense, Medical Marijuana
- Employment Law This Week: FTC on Big Data, DOJ/DOL on Safety Violations, External Whistleblowers, NRF Fights Scheduling
- Employment Law This Week: ACA Provisions Extended, ADA’s “Safe Harbor,” Paid Leave, WARN Act
- Employment Law This Week: New California Laws, Minimum Wage Increases, Women's Equality Act, Muslim Discrimination