86 matches.
- EventsHealth Insights Spring 2016 Conference: Are Innovative Payment Models the Solution to High Quality, More Affordable, Patient Centered Health Care?1 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Fall 2015 Conference: Matching Outsourced Care Management Resources to Risk Assumed by Clinically-Integrated Networks - Contracting and Other Considerations1 minute read
- Events2015 Executive Leadership Summit: Provider Consolidation, Competition, and Antitrust Enforcement in a Value-Based Environment1 minute read
- EventsHealth System Growth Strategies 2014 - Mergers, Acquisitions, Integrated Networks, Alliances, and the Continuing Antitrust Conundrum: Health Insights Fall 2014 Conference1 minute read
- EventsThe Fifth National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit: Legal and Operational Issues in ACO Development1 minute read
- EventsThe Business Case for Addressing the Health of Highly Vulnerable Populations: AHLA Webinar1 minute read
- Events2014 Health Access Summit: Innovation and Collaboration Across the Spectrum of Health Care and Beyond4 minute read
- EventsDefining the Scope of Population Health Management: Session VII, Thought Leaders in Population Health Webinar Speaker Series2 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Spring Conference: Quality, Accountable Care, Population Health - the Journey Continues1 minute read
- EventsFallon's Third Annual C3 Conference: Coordinated Care Update — a Washington Perspective1 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Fall Conference: The Shot-Gun Marriage (or Divorce) of Hospitals and Health Plans Under the ACA1 minute read
- EventsHFMA 2013 Thought Leadership Retreat: Achieving Scale: Legal Perspectives on Affiliation Options1 minute read
- EventsAHLA Annual Meeting: Quality, Value, and Geographic Variation - the Institute of Medicine Responds to Congress1 minute read
- EventsAHLA In-House Counsel Program: ACOs 2.0: Are We Achieving the Triple Aim?1 minute read
- EventsThe Fourth National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit: Accountable Care in Consolidating Heath Care Markets - Implications for Antitrust Enforcement1 minute read
- EventsCherry Blossom Vascular Symposium: ACOs So Far: A Status Report and Implications for Surgery1 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Spring 2013 Conference: Non-Profit/For-Profit Hospital Joint Ventures: Are the Expectations Compatible?1 minute read
- EventsHealth Integrated ELS 2013 Summit: ACOs So Far – a Review and Status Report1 minute read
- EventsPost-Election Webinar Series, Part III: Progress and Barriers to Modernizing the Healthcare Delivery System2 minute read
- EventsECRI Institute's Annual Conference: Are We There Yet? Regulatory and Legal Issues of "Systemness"2 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Fall Conference: Payment and Delivery System Reform Post-SCOTUS: Aligning Financial and Clinical Integration1 minute read
- EventsHealth Affairs Conference: The Court's Decision and Implications for Health Policy1 minute read
- EventsThe National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit: Implications of the Supreme Court Decision on Accountable Care: Beyond the Obvious1 minute read
- EventsHealthcareWebSummit: The Business of Clinical Integration: Payment Models, Structures, Governance, Strategic Issues & More ...2 minute read
- EventsUshering in Accountable Care - Progress and Future Under the Affordable Care Act: Value-Based Payment, Accountable Care, and the ACO Final Rule: Are We Making Progress?1 minute read
- EventsAccountable Care Organization Web Summit 2011: The ACO Legal and Regulatory Environment: The CMS Medicare Shared Savings Program Final Rule and More3 minute read
- EventsAHLA Payors, Plans, and Managed Care Law Institute: Ready, Set, Go: Top Clinical Integration and Accountable Care Actions Providers Need to Be Taking and Related Legal Issues1 minute read
- EventsHFMA Webinar: Understanding CMS' Final ACO Rule and Its Implications for Providers1 minute read
- EventsACO Multi-Stakeholder Meeting: Addressing Antitrust Issues to Support Pro-Competitive Multi-Payer ACOs1 minute read
- EventsBNA Webinar: Value-Based Payment, Accountable Care, and The ACO Final Rule: Are We Making Progress?2 minute read
- EventsThe National Congress on Healthcare Clinical Innovations, Quality Improvement, and Cost Containment: Accountable Care and Governance Challenges Under the Affordable Care Act2 minute read
- EventsNational Overview of ACO Implementation: Key Legal and Regulatory Issues1 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Fall Conference: The Future of Health Payment and Delivery — Medicare Costs, Value-based Payment, and the Next Generation of Integrated Delivery Systems1 minute read
- EventsValue-Based Payment and Accountable Care: Are We Making Progress? - a Wall Street Journal Insight Exchange Webinar Conference2 minute read
- EventsMaryland HFMA Annual Institute: Meeting the Legal and Structural Demands of Accountable Care Organizations: Observations at the Nexus of Policy, Business, and Law1 minute read
- EventsApplication of Value-Based Purchasing Strategies by Self-Funded Health Plans: An Executive Roundtable2 minute read
- EventsThe 10th National Quality Colloquium: ACOs, Governance, and the Quality Mandate in a Changing Delivery System1 minute read
- EventsHFMA Annual National Institute: Meeting the Legal and Structural Demands of Accountable Care1 minute read
- EventsAHLA Annual Meeting: Understanding the Legal, Operational, and Financial Implications of Pursuing an ACO Strategy1 minute read
- Events2nd National Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Summit: Addressing ACO Legal Issues1 minute read
- EventsACOs: Strategic Implications from New Regulations2 minute read
- EventsHCCA 2011 Upper Northeast Regional Annual Compliance Conference: Accountable Care Organizations: What Does It Mean? How Are Providers Getting Ready? What Are the Compliance Implications?1 minute read
- EventsKPMG's Healthcare Transformation Summit: An Update on the Road to Accountable Care: Observations at the Nexus of Policy, Business, and Law1 minute read
- EventsThe Implications of the Medicare Shared Savings Program Regulations for Health Care Providers: Progress on the Road to Accountable Care? - a BNA Webinar2 minute read
- EventsACOs: New CMS Shared Savings Regulation, an MCOL Webinar1 minute read
- EventsNuts and Bolts of Accountable Care - ACOs and Beyond: ACO Infrastructure Requirements2 minute read
- Events2011 Health Care Executive Society (HESS) Annual Meeting1 minute read
- Events2011 Home Care 100 Conference: Accountable Care Organizations: How Will They Work?1 minute read
- EventsFuture Care 2011 Web Summit: Five Key Legal and Regulatory Issues in Payment and Delivery Reform for 20112 minute read
- EventsObama, Tea Party, Health Care, Jobs: A Midterm Review of the Impact on Labor and Employment Law2 minute read
- EventsAccountable Care Organization Web Summit: The ACO Legal and Regulatory Environment: An Update and Framework for 20112 minute read
- EventsAHLA Healthcare Reform: Delivery System Reform - New Care Delivery, Quality, and Efficiency Initiatives1 minute read
- EventsKPMG Institute Webcast: The Evolution of Accountable Care: What Does It Really Mean?2 minute read
- EventsGreater Scranton Chamber of Commerce: Health Care Reform Panel Discussion1 minute read
- EventsHealth Insights Fall Conference: Accountable Care: From Concept to Implementation to Outlook - Is Your Organization Prepared to Deliver?1 minute read
- EventsWorkshop Regarding Accountable Care Organizations and Implications Regarding Antitrust, Physician Self-Referral, Anti-Kickback, and Civil Monetary Penalty Laws1 minute read
- EventsCatholic Health Association's Board Meeting: ACOs - A Preliminary Look1 minute read
- EventsKPMG's Healthcare Reform Summit: Constructing Accountable Care Organizations: Observations at the Nexus of Policy, Business, and Law1 minute read
- EventsAHLA/HCCA Fraud and Compliance Forum: Private Sector Activity and Public Sector Enforcement Priorities in the Accountable Care Era2 minute read
- EventsAmerica's Health Insurance Plans: ACO Panel1 minute read
- EventsMaryland Hospital Association Executive Committee Retreat: Accountable Care Organizations: Yes or No?1 minute read
- EventsAHA 2010 Leadership Summit: Can Accountable Care Organizations Improve the Value of Health Care by Solving the Cost and Quality Conundrum?2 minute read
- EventsNational Accountable Care Organization Summit: ACO Governance and Legal Issues2 minute read
- EventsBNA Webinar: Accountable Care Organizations: The Practical Reality2 minute read
- EventsHealthcare Reform: The Law and Its Implications1 minute read
- EventsDr. Paul Keckley and Doug Hastings Discuss The Reality of Health Care Reform2 minute read
- EventsWhat Health Care Reform Means for Home Health Agencies1 minute read
- EventsAdvisory Board Webinar: The Emerging Regulatory Framework for Accountable Care1 minute read
- EventsEmbracing Change: Challenges and Opportunities Created by the Federal Health Care Reform Legislation April 20104 minute read
- EventsAHIP 2010 National Policy Forum1 minute read
- EventsNYSBA Health Law Section Annual Meeting 2010: Health Care Reform - Now What?1 minute read
- EventsWebinar: Healthcare Reform Update Conference Call VI1 minute read
- EventsInstitute of Medicine (IOM) Council 20091 minute read
- EventsAHLA: 2009 Annual Meeting and In-House Counsel Program2 minute read
- EventsAmerican Health Lawyers Association 2009 Masters Program: Improving Quality and Bonding with Physicians1 minute read
- EventsClinical Integration or Alignment: Now More Than Ever1 minute read
- EventsLegal Issues in Delivery of Quality and Cost-Efficient Care1 minute read
- EventsClinical Integration Within the Academic Medical Center1 minute read
- EventsA Post-Inauguration Briefing: The Future of Labor and Employment Law in an Obama Administration; ADA Amendments Act2 minute read
- EventsHealth Care and Life Sciences Practice Program1 minute read
- EventsNY: 27th Annual Labor and Employment Briefing: Decision 2008: What's at Stake for Employers3 minute read
- EventsOverview of the Role of Federal and State Regulation of Hospital-Physician Relations in Health Reform1 minute read
- EventsFourth Annual Physician Agreements and Ventures Conference: Physician Transactions that Work: Look for Clinical Integration1 minute read
- EventsAHLA Fraud and Compliance Forum1 minute read
- EventsAAMC Council of Deans Regional Fall Meeting: Clinical Integration and Collaborative Care: Enforcement Meets Quality1 minute read
- EventsAHLA 2007 Annual Meeting1 minute read