An article co-authored by attorneys Emily E. Bajcsi, Francesca R. Ozinal, and Kathleen M. Premo, titled “Recent CMS Announcement Sunsets Home Health Agency Provider Enrollment Moratoria, but the Industry Should Act Quickly to Enroll or Expand,” was featured in the Women Business Leaders of the U.S. Health Care Industry Foundation (WBL) March Newsletter.
Following is an excerpt:
CMS recently announced an end to its long-standing home health agency (“HHA”) provider enrollment moratoria effective January 30, 2019. This is undoubtedly welcome news to the HHA industry in Florida, Illinois, Michigan, and Texas, however uncertainty remains with regard to the finality of this agency action and whether any moratoria are likely to be reimposed in the near term. As a result, HHA providers desiring growth should take action soon to initiate a new enrollment or expand an HHA’s footprint in a state through enrollment of a branch location. Click here to read more.