A Publication from Epstein Becker Green and The ERISA Industry Committee
Epstein Becker Green and The ERISA Industry Committee (“ERIC”) are pleased to release the current issue of the Benefits Litigation Update (“Update”). The Update is a publication which provides four primary components:
- Featured Articles addresses trends or topics currently being discussed in the benefits community which (i) explain why the topic is important, (ii) explain the impact of the topic on the reader, and (iii) propose some action that should be considered in response;
- Summaries of Pending Litigation involving important benefits topics;
- Noteworthy Developments addresses current issues that may impact employer plans; and
- Select Case Summaries involving noteworthy decisions in benefits litigation.
ERIC will hold a conference call discussing cases addressed in this issue on Wednesday, July 20, 2016 from 2:00 to 3:30 pm EDT.
ERIC members and trial members can register for the call by clicking here. If you are a prospective member and would like to participate in the call, please contact ERIC at (202) 789-1400 or by email at memberservices@eric.org.
New Preemption Battleground between States and Local Governments: Benefits and Wages
EEOC v. Flambeau UPDATE: EEOC Appeals Finding That ADA Benefit Plan Safe Harbor Trumps EEOC Wellness Program Voluntariness Attack
EEOC Issues Final ADA and GINA Wellness Program Rules
Santana-Diaz v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.: Informing Participants of Plan Limitations on Period
to Bring Suit
Ninth Circuit Kicks Participation Burdens to ERISA Plan Managers
Supreme Court Sets Its Sights On Who Can Sue: Risks for Derisking
Second Circuit Rejects Doctrine of “Substantial Compliance” with DOL’s Claims Processing Regulations
Read the full Update here.
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