A Publication from Epstein Becker Green and The ERISA Industry Committee
Epstein Becker Green and The ERISA Industry Committee ("ERIC") are pleased to present the current issue of the Benefits Litigation Update ("Update"). The Update is a publication which provides two primary components:
- Featured Articles addressing trends or topics currently being discussed in the benefits community which (i) explain why the topic is important, (ii) explain the impact of the topic on the reader, and (iii) propose some action that should be considered in response; and
- Select Case Summaries involving noteworthy benefits litigation issues across the country.
Featured Articles
Tibble v. Edison International
By: Kenneth J. Kelly
The Moench Presumption Revisited
By: Paul A. Friedman and Jeffrey A. Lieberman
IRS Provides Answers to Some of Windsor's Questions
By: Joan A. Disler and Jeffrey A. Lieberman
Developments in the Continuing Litigation Over Obamacare
By: John Houston Pope
The Next Term: Heimeshoff & Plan-Imposed Limitations Periods for
Benefit Claim Litigation
By: John Houston Pope
Supreme Court Supports Enforcement of Subrogation Provisions but
Demands Clarity in Plan Language
By: John Houston Pope