We invite you to view Employment Law This Week® - a weekly rundown of the latest news in the field, brought to you by Epstein Becker Green. We look at the latest trends, important court decisions, and new developments that could impact your work. Join us every Monday for a new five-minute episode! Read the firm's press release here and subscribe for updates.
This week’s stories include ...
(1) NLRB: No Confidentiality Around Arbitration Proceedings
Our top story this week: The NLRB rules employees have the right to discuss arbitration proceedings with colleagues and may not be required to arbitrate claims under the NLRA. The Board found that Dish Network violated the Act when it tried to prohibit an employee from discussing his suspension and an arbitration brought against him. The Board also concluded that the company's arbitration agreement violated the Act, because employees could believe it prohibited them from filing charges with the NLRB and other agencies. Adam Abrahms, from Epstein Becker Green, has more.
Click here for more - http://bit.ly/2pXlDpC. Watch the extended version of this interview.
(2) Senators Focus on EEOC's Equal Pay Data Rule
Lawmakers ask for a reversal on the EEOC’s Equal Pay Data rule: Senators Lamar Alexander and Pat Roberts have asked the Office of Management and Budget to block the addition of compensation reporting requirements to the EEO-1 Form. Beginning March of next year, the rule will require businesses with 100 or more workers to send the agency pay data categorized by gender, race, and ethnicity. The senators called the rule “misguided,” pointing to discrepancies in cost projections and concerns over data security.
(3) New State Laws Affecting Employers
A new South Carolina law prohibits local municipalities from enacting laws that would require private employers to provide benefits like paid sick leave, paid vacation, and paid holidays. Seventeen other states—including Alabama, Florida, and Tennessee—have passed similar pre-emption laws. The law is designed to ease the burden on employers who would otherwise have to contend with different legal requirements in different municipalities. And in other state employment law news, Colorado lawmakers have passed the Wage Theft Transparency Act, which opens the door for public disclosure of employer wage law violations.
(4) Federal Government Drops NC Transgender Bathroom Bill Suit
The Justice Department dropped its lawsuit against North Carolina’s so-called bathroom bill. Federal officials said they dropped the suit because the law, which had been called the most anti-LGBT legislation in the country, was repealed last month. But LGBT groups in North Carolina and elsewhere have sharply criticized the replacement bill, which gives the state legislature sole authority to regulate public accommodations and prohibits local governments from enacting nondiscrimination ordinances. These groups have vowed to fight the new bill in court, despite the Justice Department's decision.
(5) Tip of the Week
Joshua Ehrlich, Chairman of the Global Leadership Council, shares some advice on the best way to use executive coaching.
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EMPLOYMENT LAW THIS WEEK® is a registered trademark of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C.
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