Melissa L. Jampol, Member of the Firm in the Health Care and Life Sciences and Litigation practices, in the firm’s New York office, was quoted in Law360,in “Kickback Convictions Don’t Mean Valeant Is Off the Hook,” by Jack Newsham. (Read the full version – subscription required.)
Following is an excerpt:
Valeant Pharmaceuticals International Inc. may have helped prosecutors secure a conviction for a former employee who took a $9.7 million kickback in exchange for pushing Valeant to buy a mail-order pharmacy, but that doesn’t mean the drugmaker won’t face liability over its ties to Philidor Rx Services, attorneys told Law360. …
Melissa Jampol, an attorney at Epstein Becker Green and a former federal prosecutor in New Jersey, agreed that the involvement of the DOJ’s Boston office was noteworthy.
“It’s an office that’s very aggressive, that pushes the envelope a lot, and is not afraid to take on big, complex cases,” she said. …
Jampol said it was “definitely” possible that federal prosecutors in Boston were investigating the prospect of Medicare or another federal payor having been defrauded by Philidor. Valeant has said it is cooperating with federal prosecutors and the SEC, however, and Jampol said Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein said he was focused on fairness and urged companies in legal trouble to come clean with prosecutors.
“DOJ’s been saying this over and over again,” she said. “Full cooperation can really help entities.”
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