George B. Breen, a Member of the Firm in the Health Care and Life Sciences and Litigation practices and Chair of the firm’s National Health Care and Life Sciences Practice Steering Committee, was quoted in Bloomberg BNA Health Care Daily Report, in “ICD-10 Works, but Concerns Remain Over Audits, Productivity,” by James Swann.
Following is an excerpt:
While Breen said it's too early to expect federal enforcement action involving ICD-10 coding, providers should expect the government to be focusing on appropriate clinical documentation to support claims coding.
Providers need to look at ICD-10 through the prism of the increasing government focus on value-based payments, Breen said.
“Health-care entities also need to anticipate and be prepared to respond to aggressive payer audits, both private and public,” Breen said.
- Board of Directors / Member of the Firm