Frances Green, a Member of the Labor and Employment practice in the New York office, was quoted in The Miami Herald's Work/Life Balancing Act blog, in a post by Cindy Krischer Goodman entitledĀ "Dream' job offer? Here's how to make sure it's not a nightmare in disguise."
According to the post,the job market is showing signs of life, but with U.S. unemployment at nearly 10 percent, and Florida at 11.7 percent, most workers feel fortunate just to land a position. In fact, they feel so fortunate, that they often ignore warning signs that the job doesn't fit with their life needs.
Green suggested if an employer touts himself as family friendly, ask for examples. "If the employer can point to such things as flex-time work for employees or job-sharing arrangements, such policies would suggest that the employer values a good work/life balance.''