This is the first wage and hour app of its kind created by a law firm.
New York, NY (February 14, 2012) — The national law firm of Epstein Becker Green (EBG) today announced that it has launched a Wage & Hour Guide for Employers app that puts federal and state wage-hour laws at employers' fingertips. At a time when wage-hour litigation and agency investigations are at an all-time high, this app for iPhones and iPads offers an invaluable resource to help employers achieve their business objectives in compliance with federal and state wage-hour laws, and to avoid government investigations and class action litigation.
How Does the App Work? — Rather than searching through a variety of cumbersome resources to locate applicable wage and hour laws, users of the Wage & Hour Guide app can follow easy-to-navigate steps to find the answers to many of their questions, including citations of federal statutes, regulations, and guidelines, as well as those of California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Texas, and Virginia — with more state guides to come.
"The widespread use of iPhones and iPads, which many of us carry throughout the day, and the convenience of using an app rather than going to a website or having a hard copy, provided the perfect opportunity to introduce a new way for employers to access this valuable information," said Frank Spadafino, co-creator of the app and EBG's Chief Information Officer.
Michael Kun, who leads EBG's national wage and hour practice group and co-creator of the app, said, "The multitude of class action and collective action lawsuits that employees have filed under the Fair Labor Standards Act and its state law counterparts have made compliance with the intricate wage and hour laws more critical than ever before. Employers in all industries, including health care, financial services, hospitality, retail, construction, technology, and communications, are susceptible to claims under these statutes. For those reasons, we felt it was time to develop an app that would provide information and guidance to employers on these issues."
Epstein Becker Green's Wage and Hour Capabilities:
EBG has some of the most respected litigators, counselors, and authors in the field of wage and hour law. With decades of combined experience, EBG attorneys offer an exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge that allows them to assist clients in three primary areas: compliance, including the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Davis-Bacon Act, and the Service Contract Act; litigation, whether it involves exemptions, working time or wage calculations; and training.
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