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Please join Epstein Becker Green's Labor and Employment practitioners for a discussion focusing on new and more aggressive tactics and strategies being employed by health care industry unions.
In Part I of the series, we reviewed tactics that health care unions—including the SEIU, CNA/NNU, and NUWH—have been using to organize new union members and the tactics that employers can implement to thwart these efforts. This next webinar will delve into union activities and practices engaged during negotiations of a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) and offer solutions for employers.
During part two of this three-part webinar series, Epstein Becker Green attorneys will discuss:
- Bargaining strategies: union and employer
- Maintaining management rights
- Controlling burdensome information requests
- Merit pay and other economic strategies
- Review Affordable Care Act options
- Employee communications, media and community sympathy campaigns
- Review steps employers can take during picketing and strikes
Presented by Epstein Becker Green Attorneys
Adam C. Abrahms, Michael McGahan, and Evan Rosen
This web is complimentary. Webcast Space Is Limited.
For additional Information, please contact
Elizabeth Gannon at 202/861-1850 or
Visit our Health Employment and Labor Blog.
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HEAL Group and to download the HEAL brochure.