Shawndra G. Jones, Senior Counsel, will co-present the webinar "The Ethical Implications of Electronically Stored Information" for The American Law Institute of Continuing Legal Education. Topics to be covered will include:
- The ABA Model Rules of Professional Responsibility applicable to ESI, as well as state bar interpretations of those provisions
- The meaning of competence in the digital age, including a discussion of the California and New York State Bar ethics opinions on attorney competence in the context of discovery and production of ESI in litigation
- What an attorney should ask about ESI when meeting with a potential or existing client
- What an attorney should know about ESI for a negotiation or meet-and-confer with opposing counsel
- Ethical obligations in connection with metadata, the cloud, social media, and collaborative workspaces
- Strategies for complying with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
- Ways of protecting attorney-client privilege, work product, and confidentiality
- What can go wrong when attorneys use electronic communications and what can an attorney do in response
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