- Standards applied by the Internal Revenue Service in evaluating ventures between a tax-exempt hospital and non-exempt individuals or entities
- Unrelated business income tax (UBIT) considerations
- Use by the venture of facilities financed with tax-exempt bonds
- Implications of the new IRS Form 990 disclosure requirements and the IRS focus on hospital good governance best practices, and
- Valuation issues
Attendees will learn proven ways the venture, operating agreement and/or other venture documents can be structured under these new regulatory requirements while still meeting the underlying business expectations of all parties.
Registered listening sites can have an unlimited number of participants at each dial-in site. The registration fee is $195 before March 24; $295 afterwards. An audio CD recording of the conference also will be available. To register or purchase the audio CD, visit or call the Beard Group at 240-629-3300, ext. 0.
To Register: Call 240-629-3300, ext. 0, or click here.