Take a coffee break every Tuesday in June at 2 PM ET to join us for a 15-minute webinar covering trending privacy and security compliance issues!
We know you are busy and want to stay current on trending issues whether you’re a compliance officer, privacy officer, or just curious as to how the Privacy and Security Rules affect your organization. To meet this need, we are offering a “crash course” webinar series. You can pick and choose sessions to attend or sign up for all five 15-minute sessions depending on your availability and level of interest.
This week:
Recap – Your Questions Get Answered
Presenter: Patricia Wagner
Questions submitted during the previous four webinars or via email will be answered. To submit a question, email Whitney Krebs at
wkrebs@ebglaw.com. Please note, due to time considerations, we may not be able to address all questions.
Event Detail
- General Counsel / Chief Privacy Officer