Shawndra Jones, Senior Counsel, will co-present “Dealing with Social Media: Do's and Don'ts and Maybe's for Lawyers” at "Today’s Social Media for Lawyers and In-House Counsel," a program hosted by the New York State Bar Association.
Social media is ubiquitous. Lawyers use social media to advertise, research, and prepare for hearings and trials. Lawyers may also communicate with clients and others through social media. Social media is a technology that lawyers must understand and use competently and with due regard for protecting client competences and privileged information. This CLE will explore the use of social media and suggest strategies and policies to do so consistent with our professional responsibilities. We will discuss real-world examples and highlight ethical pitfalls (and related risks) of recent trends in social media and culture, including negative reviews/comments, defamation suits against lawyers, cursing and incivility and more. Get practical guidance and tips on how to maximize the value of social media and online tools for yourself and your organization or firm while avoiding ethical issues.
For more information, please visit