For a whole host of reasons, this election matters. In a political season that has captured the attention of the nation, many of the issues on the minds of voters — from the economy, energy, health care and immigration to the composition of the Supreme Court and Congress — are also among the top concerns of employers.
This special election year briefing will provide the bottom line on the important employment law developments of the past year and offer a preview of how the results of Decision 2008 could dramatically impact the workplace.
- 8:30 - 10:30 a.m.
- Morning Plenary: Hanging in the Balance, Part I: The Supreme Court
- 10:45 - 12:15 p.m.
- Morning Workshops
- Health Care At The Top Of The Domestic Policy Agenda: The Presidential Campaign and its Potential Implications
- The Immigration Conundrum: Will a New President Really Put Up That Wall?
- Who Gets Your Vote? Best Hiring Practices
- Is the Economy Stupid, Part I: Avoiding Costly Downsizing Mistakes
- Decision '08 and Labor Law: What Every Employer Needs To Know
- Morning Workshops
- 1:15 - 2:15 p.m.
- Afternoon Plenary: Hanging in the Balance, Part II: The Congress
- 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
- Afternoon Workshops
- "Identity" Politics: An Election Year Issue Offers Lessons for the Workplace: Update on Title VII, the ADEA and the ADA
- Corporate Social Responsibility: Can Business Do Good and Do Well by "Going Green"?
- Decision '08 and Business: A Look at the Issues, the Law and Where the Candidates Stand
- Creating "Change" Developing New Ways to Prevent and Defend Against Wage and Hour Class Actions
- Is the Economy Stupid, Part II: Key Issues in Protecting Intellectual Property and Confidential Data during an Economic Downturn
- Afternoon Workshops
- 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
- Words Matter: Employment Law and the Ethics of Legal Writing
Registration Fee:$250
To register, click here.
If you have any questions, contact Jamie Millward at 212-351-4661, or at
Event Detail
- James (Jim) P. Flynn
- Ronald (Ron) M. Green
- Douglas A. Hastings
- Kenneth J. Kelly
- Alan S. Kleiman
- Donald S. Krueger
- Michael F. McGahan
- William J. Milani
- Frank C. Morris, Jr.
- John Houston Pope
- Lauri F. Rasnick
- Allen B. Roberts
- Dean L. Silverberg
- Peter M. Stein
- Peter (Pete) A. Steinmeyer
- Steven M. Swirsky