Douglas Hastings, Chair of the Board of Directors of Epstein Becker & Green, P.C., will present "ACO Infrastructure Requirements" at the Nuts and Bolts of Accountable Care Conference, which is described below:
Program Description: Does anyone really know what an ACO is or should be? AHLA is offering a conference that is designed to provide those who are craving substance on the issue of ACOs with an opportunity to learn from experts in the private and public sectors who are grappling with these issues. Our planning committee composed of some of the leading lawyers in the country has planned a one-day conference that will actually examine what it may take to make an Accountable Care Organization legal - the structural alternatives, the governance, the infrastructure requirements and the nuts and bolts legal issues such as antitrust considerations, fraud and abuse issues, state law challenges and tax implications. Legal experts with years of experience will present on what fraud and abuse laws need to be waived, how they might be waived, and the implications of those waivers. Experienced legal experts will do the same on antitrust laws. Noted legal experts will examine tax, governance and funding issues, not in the abstract but in the details.
For more information, visit the AHLA website.