Michael Kun, Member of the Firm, presents "Should Employers Implement Arbitration Agreements with Class and Collective Action Waivers? The Pros and the Cons" as part of Mastering Arbitration Agreements, a live video-broadcast hosted by MyLawCLE.
Attendees will learn all about arbitration agreements in the workplace - how they can save money and time, but also about the possible hidden costs and legal challenges. Arbitration can offer strategic benefits like flexibility and privacy, but also comes with risks, such as fairness issues and employee dissatisfaction. This session will cover the legal upsides, such as more predictable outcomes, and downsides, such as fewer chances to appeal. Attendees will explore how these agreements affect workplace morale and union organizing efforts, and how to enforce arbitration agreements using electronic signatures, including what special rules apply to employees in the transportation industry. This webinar is perfect for legal professionals, HR staff, and business leaders who want to understand the pros and cons of using arbitration agreements.
Key topics to be discussed:
- The financial benefits of arbitration agreements and the potential risks
- The strategic benefits of arbitration agreements and the potential risks
- The legal benefits of arbitration agreements and the potential risks
- The impact of arbitration agreements on moral and union organizing
- Enforcing arbitration agreements with electronic signatures
- Arbitration agreements with employees involved in transportation
For more information, visit MyLawCLE.com.
Event Detail
- Member of the Firm