Bradley Merrill Thompson, Member of the Firm, will copresent "Connected Health Care" at Fordham Law's Eighth Law and Information Society Symposium.
This panel will explore some of the implications for an IoT in the health care sector. The IoT's ability to assist healthcare providers and patients in up-to-the-moment diagnosis and treatment raises a host of legal issues.
Questions that the panel will address are:
- What are some of the major issues that arise from an interconnected system of medical devices and healthcare?
- The medical devices industry is heavily regulated; so what difficulties will medical professionals, patients and innovators face if utilizing an IoT? Is HIPAA sufficient to protect patients even in the face of the IoT? How might the IoT affect traditional medical malpractice liability?
- Health optimization: how will the IoT affect general wellness? What effects will this have on the insurance industry? What about government-mandated insurance?
For more information, please visit