William J. Milani, Member of the Firm, copresents International Employment Law: A 2012 Perspective LIVE Webcast, hosted by the Knowledge Congress.
Mr. Milani's topics include:
- Discrimination claims by locally hired employees of foreign-owned companies doing business in the United States
- Potential liability of the foreign-owned parent company for personnel decisions made by its subsidiary in the United States
- The extraterritoriality of United States employment laws
In a past-faced economic environment where companies work and compete across borders, employment law is no longer considered to be a local issue. As such, employers must be up-to-date regarding the latest standards to avoid employment-related legal challenges.
This webinar provides an in-depth discussion of the significant topics in the mix including:
- Standards Across Borders for Hiring and Firing
- Expatriate Arrangements
- Immigration
- Global Codes of Conduct, Ethics Code, Diversity Issues, and Other Global HR Policies
- Employment Litigation
- Cross Border Outsourcing
- Best Practices and Regulatory Updates
For further details, please visit: knowledgecongress.org