Lynn Shapiro Snyder, Senior Member, Epstein Becker Green
Gary Cohen, JD, consultant and former director, Centers for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and General Counsel, California Health Benefit Exchange
In this session, a former senior official from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services who served as the point person on the Affordable Care Act implementation team will give his perspective on key health care activities over the past several years. Beyond the headlines and the politics, the presentation will assess how much progress the federal and state governments have in made expanding coverage and bending the cost curve. Specific insurance reforms to the individual and small group markets will be examined along with emerging new trends, such as the growth of narrow networks. This session will focus on key challenges that still lay ahead, including:
- The need to stabilize the federal eligibility and enrollment platform
- Outreach to and enrollment of harder-to-reach populations
- Establishment and launch of the SHOP exchanges
- Ensure the “backend” payment system is working before the second open enrollment period begins on November 15, 2014
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If you have questions regarding this event, please contact
Kiirsten Lederer at (212) 351-4668 or