Frank C. Morris, Jr., Member of the Firm, co-presents "Handling Complex Family and Medical Leave Act Issues," an ALI-CLE video webcast.
Among the most vexing issues confronting employers on a daily basis are those under the FMLA. Whether the issue is determining if an employee actually has a serious health condition, what to do when sufficient and timely medical certification has not been presented, employer notice obligations, or confronting the host of intermittent leave issues, FMLA challenges abound.
Get high level guidance in one concise update. This webcast reviews recent decisions and developments under the FMLA, with the information and analyses you need to provide timely and well informed advice on FMLA issues.
Topics include:
- Key eligibility issues
- Employee activities inconsistent with FMLA
- Key FMLA notice issues
- Key FMLA retaliation developments
For more information, visit