Eric W. Moran, Member of the Firm, will co-present “Fraud and Abuse in the Age of Coronavirus: Current and Future Federal Criminal and Civil Enforcement Actions,” a webinar hosted by the American Health Law Association (AHLA).
The federal government stimulus in response to the Coronavirus pandemic will lead to a significant flow of federal money to many industries, including health care. Judging from past federal stimulus efforts, the risk of fraud and abuse is high, and the federal government is taking proactive measures to combat fraud and abuse resulting from the Coronavirus pandemic response. At the same time, the regulations concerning the stimulus money and guidance related to the Stark blanket waivers and other regulatory guidance is evolving and open to interpretation. This panel will cover the potential criminal and civil exposures, the ongoing government response to monitor and pursue fraud and abuse, and guidance for health care entities who are working in this quickly changing regulatory environment. The panel will also discuss DOJ's focus on investigating and prosecuting efforts to take advantage of the pandemic by selling fraudulent services and treatments.
To learn more, visit or contact Mr. Moran.