Julie Badel, Zachary Jackson, Peter Steinmeyer, Mark Trapp, and Michelle Marks, attorneys in the firm's Chicago office, will present "Exploring the Alphabet Soup of Illinois Employment Laws and the Agencies and Courts that Administer Them," a dinner program hosted by the Association of Corporate Counsel and sponsored by Epstein Becker Green.
This program will provide insightful discussion of Illinois employment laws and the procedures at the agencies that administer them - the Illinois Department of Labor, the Illinois Department of Human Rights, the Illinois Human Rights Commission, and the Illinois Department of Employment Security, as well as a discussion of litigating employment claims in Illinois state courts. Substantive provisions of the laws, with special emphasis on recent changes, and practical strategic guidance regarding agency procedures and navigating through state court, will also be presented. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask the speakers questions and network with their peers.
To register for this dinner program, click here.
For additional information, please contact Sylwia Faszczewska at sfaszczewska@ebglaw.com or call (212) 351-4668.