For employers of every size and across most sectors, these are trying times. As businesses attempt to stay afloat during this deep global recession, they must also deal with new and expanding legal obligations emanating from the Obama administration and a Democratic Congress.
Adding to employers' woes is the skyrocketing number of employees who, adversely affected by the economic decline, are increasingly turning to the courts and government agencies for relief. In Fiscal Year 2008, a record number of charges were filed with the EEOC - up 15% over the previous year and the biggest jump in the agency's history. And that unprecedented spike in charges occurred beforeboth the height of the economic crisis and the passage of the employee-friendly Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the amendments to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Now, even as glimmers of economic recovery emerge, the light at the end of the tunnel may turn out to be a new trainload of legal obligations for employers. Next up: the Employee Free Choice Act, a slew of other pending workplace laws, health care reform and, of course, the inevitable surprises.
Join us for an informative day of discussions and workshops, as we distill the bottom line from recent labor and employment developments, preview the legal hotspots on the horizon, and offer practical guidance for meeting the difficult challenges presented by these unprecedented times.
To view the agenda, click here.