Stuart Gerson and Robert Groban, Jr., Members of the firm, will participate in the panel discussion, "Employment & Antitrust Law & Immigration Issues Under the Trump Administration," a corporate breakfast event sponsored by Epstein Becker Green with the Japan Society. The panel will be moderated by William J. Milani, Member of the firm.
The Obama administration took an aggressive approach with respect to expansion of employee rights and vigorous enforcement of employment laws whereas President Trump has stressed job growth as the centerpiece of economic policy. How will this change of focus impact employment-related government enforcement actions and policy initiatives? What can we expect from the Trump Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, including issues of discrimination and harassment? How will the Trump Department of Justice deal with antitrust concerns including price fixing, the sharing of wage and benefits data, and "poaching" employees between competitors? We will also discuss immigration enforcement and compliance as the Trump administration rolls out its "America First" agenda, and the increasing "us" versus "them" dynamic prevalent among international corporations doing business in the U.S. This program will introduce best practices to limit division and maximize teamwork within multi-cultural organizations under the Trump administration.
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