Epstein Becker Green hosted a private continuing legal education (CLE) event led by attorneys Christopher Dunn, Stephen Kleinman, Karen Mandelbaum, Colin McCulloch, Frank Morris, Jr., Elizabeth Scarola, and Robert Travisano. This advanced course was broken into three sessions.
Our attorneys explored the myriad issues that health care facilities should be prepared to address in the face of a disaster. In the first session, panelists discussed the various legal, regulatory, and operational landscapes that Florida health care attorneys must navigate as part of disaster preparedness and response across the spectrum of natural disasters and other emergencies that they increasingly encounter.
Attendees then broke into two groups and participated in two interactive roundtable discussions led by Epstein Becker Green attorneys, addressing how to prepare for and respond to emergency scenarios. The program concluded with a discussion of best practices and strategies for attorneys to navigate stress during emergencies. Presenters shared resources tailored specifically to legal professionals facing high-pressure situations.
Event Detail
Tampa, FL