Mark E. Lutes, Member of the Firm, presented "Beyond Medicare Shared Savings: Effective ACO & Clinical Integration Strategies" at the HCPRO's Live Webcast.
On May 19, CMS requested proposals for participation in a new shared savings program, the Pioneer Program. This webcast will help attendees understand the advantages of this new CMS Pioneer shared savings program when compared to the Medicare Shared Savings/ACO program. Who will successful Pioneer applicants be? How can it complement your commercial shared savings strategies?
Program Agenda
- Beyond the ACO regs: Alternative business approaches to the Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP)
- Lessons learned from Physician Group Practices (PGP)
- Understand the advantages of the new CMS Pioneer shared savings program
- Who will be successful Pioneer applicants
- How it can complement your commercial shared savings strategies
- Alternative strategies to MSSP
- Clinical integration: Risk relationships & clinically integrated networks
- Bundling payments
- Value-based purchasing
- Medical homes
- Regulatory implications & business challenges
- Your next steps: Future perspective of ACOs
- Investigate value-based purchasing (inpatient & re-admissions)
- Clinical integration: What it means & best approaches
- Develop infrastructure and contracts
- Putting into practice with your team
- Q&A
Event Detail
- Chair—Board of Directors / Member of the Firm