Featuring Epstein Becker Green Attorneys
Joan Disler, Paul Friedman, Kenneth Kelly,
John Houston Pope, and Daly Temchine
Last April, Epstein Becker & Green, P.C. ("EBG") and the ERISA Industry Committee ("ERIC") sent out the inaugural issue of the Benefits Litigation Update ("Update"). Another issue will be sent out in early September. We are pleased to announce that a new feature of the Update will be to follow up with a conference call so that EBG can review in more detail key issues regarding each case summarized in the Update and discuss any questions you may have regarding these cases.
Among the key cases that are discussed in our first two issues and will be further reviewed on the conference call include litigation that serves as a roadmap for avoiding liability for fiduciary breaches regarding alleged plan and investment mismanagement; the possible impact of litigation involving the Constitutionality of DOMA; updates in benefit claim denial litigation; additional remedies post-Amara; the permissibility of so-called forum selection clauses in plans; and the possible limitations regarding subrogation clauses.
The EBG / ERIC conference call will be held on Thursday, September 13 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (EDT). Senior counsel from EBG will lead the discussion of key cases and answer your questions. A copy of the Update will be sent to registrants in advance of the call.
To register for the call and receive the dial-in information,
send an e-mail to the following address: ericregistrar@eric.org