George Breen will co-present "Fighting the Latest Cyber Threats to the Healthcare Industry: PHI Data Breaches, the Recent Alarming Wave of 'Ransomware Attacks,' Growing Cybersecurity Threats to Medical Devices and Beyond – Risk Management Practices and Developments in Cyber Insurance for Medical Professionals” at ACI’s 2nd National Advanced Forum on Medical Liability Claims, Coverage & Risk Management.
- Update on the latest cyber and privacy threats being faced by the medical community
- Risk management practices for healthcare providers to protect against privacy and data security exposures
- The very recent wave of “Ransomware Attacks” – mitigating the risks and exposures; and best practices for once you’ve been hacked
- Assessing and fighting the latest risks associated with:
- Rogue employees
- Simple negligence
- Not encrypting sensitive data
- Outsourcing information technology
- Doctor/patient communication of medical info via electronic devices
- Avoiding data breaches with better vendor contracts
- The growing concern of cybersecurity threats to medical devices: what trends are being seen? what can be done to mitigate risk?
- You have a breach – now what?
- The latest developments in cyber insurance coverage – knowing what types of coverage are available, and assessing what you might need
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- Board of Directors / Member of the Firm