Linda Tiano and Daly Temchine, Members of the Firm, will speak at the Human Resources Meeting of the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP), which runs from April 23 to 24. Following are their sessions:
Impact of ACA and Health Care Expansion on Health Plans — A Human Resources Perspective (9:00 a.m.): From Medicaid expansion to coverage of the dual eligibles to participating in the exchange, health plans will be facing unprecedented expansion opportunities. A right-sized and right-skilled workforce will be key to a health plan converting these opportunities into successes. This session will focus on the Human Resources perspective of the Affordable Care Act expansion opportunities and will set the stage for the remainder of the meeting.
Benefit Choices That an Employer Must Make Under the ACA (11:00 a.m.): As a focal point of expanded coverage, the Affordable Care Act has significant impact on the daily operations of health plans. It also promises to profoundly influence employers and the benefit choices they make and the health plans with which they contract. This session will focus on what HR staffs need to know concerning the employer mandates and opportunities under the ACA.
For more information, please contact Ms. Tiano or Mr. Temchine.