Nathaniel Glasser, Member of the Firm, moderates a panel discussion, "Assessing the Assessment: How Should AI Be Audited?" at the National Symposium on Technology in Labor and Employment Law, hosted by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law. The conference runs from April 19 to 21.
As the share of employers using artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist in employment decision-making continues to grow, calls for monitoring and auditing of these “AI tools” have risen. Indeed, New York City recently passed a law which requires employers and employment agencies that utilize “automated employment decision tools” to assist with hiring decisions to subject those tools to an annual “bias audit.” In light of increased scrutiny of these tools by local and federal regulatory agencies, end users must create a plan to oversee the legal implementation of these AI tools. This panel will discuss the legal and regulatory requirements for monitoring and auditing the use of AI tools, tips for technical compliance with emerging legislation and regulation, and strategies for continued monitoring and auditing of AI tools in employment decision-making.
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