Gary Herschman, Member of the Firm, co-presents “Private Equity in Orthopedics: Opportunities, Challenges, and Strategic Insights” at the American Alliance of Orthopaedic Executives (AAOE) 2024 Annual Conference, which runs from April 26 to 29.
Orthopedic practices are thinking strategically about where they want to be in the next three to five years. Has the ship sailed on fully independent practices? The future may belong to strategic alliances and partnerships to help practices remain on solid footing. Discussions are happening within each practice about their future, and practice executives should begin to have an understanding of the options in the space today, and seek educational opportunities that outline these strategic partnerships. This presentation and panel discussion will outline private equity, the opportunities, challenges, and strategic insights to consider.
For more information, please visit the AAOE's conference website.
Event Detail
Chicago, IL