Adam S. Forman, Member of the Firm, co-presents "Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Bias: Prospects, Pitfalls, and Penalties" at the 2022 National Conference on Equal Employment Opportunity Law, hosted by the the Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, and sponsored by the American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are advancing quickly into every facet of life. Governments are struggling to understand what it is, what it means and how to protect against discrimination. Biased algorithms inevitably lead to biased outcomes. This advanced panel explores how bias in employment can creep into the AI stream, how to identify bias patterns, what steps to take when considering in-house solutions and evaluating vendors and processes for hiring, performance, workforce management and emerging litigation in this area. The panel also explores recent regulatory initiatives in the European Union and at the federal, state and local levels. Come and explore this discussion of the present and the future.
For more information, please contact Adam Forman.