Jeffrey Ruzal, Senior Counsel, joins a panel discussion titled "$15 Was Not for All: Employer Liability in a Two-Tiered Wage State," sponsored by Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United.
A new report released by the Restaurant Opportunities Centers (ROC) United documents recent class action lawsuits and multiple restaurant employer experiences of costly liability arising from the complicated rules surrounding paying tipped workers a lower minimum wage. It also documents recent tipped worker experiences of receiving increased workload from their employers since the $15 bill was passed, as they are now the ‘cheaper’ workers whose wages did not increase. Seven states, including California, which also recently went to $15, do not have a lower wage for tipped workers; when California recently raised its minimum wage to $15, the wage increased for all workers, tipped and non-tipped, and thus no liability was imposed on restaurant employers, and no extra burden was imposed on tipped workers.
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